Quentin's policy platform is based on six pillars of modern policing and mirrors a report from President Obama's task force on 21st Century policing.

Read the full implementation report here. 

Quentin believes it's important to bring modern policing techniques to Buncombe County in order to strengthen community policing and increase accountability and public safety.

Building trust & legitimacy

Decades of research suggests that people are likely to obey the law when they believe that those who are enforcing it have authority that is perceived as legitimate. Nurturing trust and legitimacy between police and communities stems from a belief that law enforcement is acting in a proffesional, fair and just procedural manner.

The Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office will strive for diversity within our workforce and initiate positive non-enforcement activities and programs to engage communities across Buncombe County.


Clear policies regarding use of force, mass demonstrations, use of equipment, consent before searches, gender identification, racial profiling, and performance measures will be developed and made public for transparency.

Established policy must reflect community values. Particular efforts should be made in those communities disproportionately affected by crime. By developing these policies and strategies the relationship between the community and police can be improved.


Implementing new technologies can provide an opportunity to fully engage and educate our community in a dialogue about their expectations for transparency, accountability, and privacy. But technology changes rapidly in terms of new hardware, software, and other options.

Our administration will strive to identify, assess, and evaluate new technology for adoption and do so in ways that improve their effectiveness, efficiency, and progression without infringing on individual rights.


We will have a guiding philosophy that highlights the importance of community policing for all community stakeholders.

The Sheriff’s Office should work with community members to identify problems and collaborate on implementing solutions. Our agency should also engage in a multidisciplinary, community partnership approach for planning, implementing, and responding to crisis situations with the understanding that they often complex require complex solutions.

Youth deserve a special focus, as those most at risk for crime or violence should not be unnecessarily stigmatized. By recognizing the voice of our youth, we can aid in their decision making and help provide opportunities for participation which will promote positive youth/police collaboration and interactions into their adult lives.


Our responsibility is far-reaching, and the need for more effective and professional training is critical. Deputies and Detention Officers must be trained and capable to address a wide variety of challenges including an opiate epidemic and a growing mental health crisis.

Emphasis on education in and out academy, and mandated yearly training should be put in motion, to prepare our staff for 21st century policing. This would include mandatory Crisis Intervention Training (CIT), this will equip our staff to deal with individuals in crisis or living with mental disabilities, as well as instruction in the disease of addiction, implicit bias and cultural responsiveness, policing in a democratic society, procedural justice, and tactical skills.

Officer safety and wellness

The support and proper implementation of wellness and safety programs is a multi-partner effort.

The Sheriff’s Office should take care to ensure wellness and safety at every level of our organization. Every Deputy should be equipped with first aid kits, exemplary training and the most effective equipment to keep our staff and community safe.